School Uniform
New uniform can be purchased from Ship Shape, a local shop in Albion Street, Exmouth.
We encourage all our families to consider saving money and being environmentally friendly by both buying and handing on very good quality pre-loved uniform. Just pop into the school office. Donation of £1 per item to the PFTA and free to families who who need it. We encourage everyone to support and use our pre-loved uniform as another way to support our One Big Beacon Family.
Children wear their PE Uniform for the whole day on PE-days.
Jewellery, nail varnish, make-up, hair dye and temporary tattoos are not allowed in school (except on fancy-dress type of non-uniform days such as world book day / Comic Relief which we will inform you of in advance).
Our school uniform consists of:
- black / charcoal grey trousers / shorts or skirt
- grey / black / white socks
- sensible black shoes
- a white polo / buttoned shirt
- a blue sweatshirt / fleece / cardigan with the school logo
- blue / white gingham dress
- a waterproof coat
It is helpful if children have their own wellington boots for our Beach and Adventure School sessions - we will let you know when these are taking place.
Our PE Uniform is:
- royal blue shorts
- yellow t-shirt with the school logo (logo is not compulsory)
- trainers
- royal blue, navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms / leggings, without patterns or logos, for colder weather (optional)
- school sweatshirt (royal blue, with or without logo)
Pupils are expected to present themselves well and wear appropriate school uniform. Jewellery cannot be worn.
Please ensure all clothing is clearly named.