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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Computer network, One Drive, Sharepoint, Log Ins - where to find it all

For support with any computing based questions, ask Charlie (working afternoons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) although we will all offer support!

Computer network - now available on The Beacon Hub on Office 365 - April 2024: we’re in a short transition period. There will be CPD once the new systems are up and running.

We have two servers, one for the Admin Team and Anne, a separate Curriculum Server which is accessed by all classroom computers, the hall computer, the laptops, iPads and Surface tablets. All Teaching Team members and our Caretaker log in to the Curriculum Server.  Anne & the Admin Team can use both, but log in via the Admin Server.

Hall computer does take a while to load up, so needs to be switched on in advance of needing to use it.  There are several plug sockets to turn on (on the wall) log in is different - user name and password is ‘hall’ and this only connects to the ‘P’ drive (the one pupils have access to).  The remote for the data projector is kept in the top drawer of the filing cabinet the computer sits on. 

Staff drive (S drive) is accessed by all staff.  There is a file for each class to store master copies of planning, letters and information that may need to be accessed by multiple staff members.  Master documents, ie the school letter/document heading, risk assessments, trip packs/documents, certificate blanks etc is all here.  The staff drive can’t be accessed from outside school (Anne can).  During the course of the pandemic, we have begun moving over to make more use of the One Drive for those documents we need to regularly access from outside the building, ie when remote working.

Pupil drive (P drive) is accessed by children and stores their documents along with master copies of things they may need to access.  It also has the Collective Worship files, songs and music as the hall computer only accesses the P drive.

One Drive (part of the Microsoft suite) is accessed in various different ways.  You can log in directly through web browser or apps.  It has a shared file which all staff have access to and stores SEND records for children (filed by class) including My Plans; staff meeting information; School Improvement Plan (working copy); all class planning (working copies); COVID close contact records.

Sharepoint (also part of the Microsoft suite) Every member of staff is a member of various Sharepoint groups, documents stored in the One Drive can be shared and worked on through Sharepoint - we have tended not to make so much use of this other than within teaching /SLT /Governor teams.

Microsoft Teams is our primary method of delivering remote learning and hosting remote meetings, including Collective Worship.  You will receive email invitations to meetings which then appear in your Teams and Outlook calendar.  There are Teams set up for each class and the whole school. There are also staff teams.  Be aware that children can access the chat facility for anyone with a school email address (See Online Safety Policy).  In the event of needing to message a child, always ensure two members of staff are included in the chat - advice is not to use chat for one child.

Emails all staff members, governors (and children for use with Teams only, doesn’t work as an actual email address for children)  have an … email address.  Emails must be checked each working day.  There is a Year1@ account for each class which must also be checked daily. Parents and carers are advised to use the class email and copy admin@ into the email (not staff members named accounts).


Other Log Ins

SIMS - for the register & assessment (in-school assessments)

For staff who need it: DfE log in (Admin, SLT, Y6, Y4 teachers)

School Dinner register log in (check with children daily)

School website & School Jotter


Maths - No Problem!


FFT - Success for All (phonics) and Lightning Squad (reading tutoring)

Accelerated Reader and MyOn 

TT Rock Stars
