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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Year 2 2023 - 2024


Your teaching team is Mr Edmunds (Class Teacher) , Mrs Messenger

Miss Brunwin teaches music on Monday afternoons.  

PE is on Monday with Mr Edmunds and Friday with Mr Troman.

Contact email: 

Other useful information can be found below...


In between these key lessons, there will be movement and active breaks, activities and continuous provision (choosing and learning through play)



Our Topic is...


Geological evolution of coastline brochures published | The Planner


Class Learning:

Here you will be able to read about some of our most recent learning...




Useful Information:

Class Letters:



Reading books need to be in school every day. We will change books when needed. Your child will bring home 1 reading books which match their reading ability. They may also bring home a book to enjoy with an adult (not at correct level). We suggest children are heard read at least 5 times a week - little and often is very effective. Please comment in the accompanying yellow reading journal each time your child has read at home to an adult. 

Children Book designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements  on Dribbble

In Year 2 we do a Rocket Reading challenge. For every 10 reads completed, children move their rocket to the next planet  on our class display and receive a certificate in celebration worship. We would like to emphasise the importance of reading a book more than once, three times ideally. The first read should be to decode the words using their phonic knowledge; the second should be to increase their reading fluency, and the third time to develop their understanding of the story further. When reading in school, we always love spending time talking about the story with the children, this discussion is vital for developing comprehension skills.


Home Learning:

Home learning will be given each Friday. This will consist of both a spelling/handwriting activity and a mathematics activity. It is also expected that children practice their times table facts and Common Exception Word spellings using the website links below:

<< Additionally there is a list of home project ideas in the curriculum blog to the left side of this page. This is not a requirement, but may be a way you can support and make links to your child's school learning to home... <<

PE Days:

Tuesday - Mrs Whenman (Dance)

Friday - Mr Troman (Football)

Outdoor Learning:

Outdoor learning will take place every Monday afternoon, weather permitting. Please wear suitable shoes, coat and trousers/shorts to school and bring wellies in a bag if wet.  Also, please wear a hat and sun cream in the hot weather. Please let the office know if you can help.

Cartoon Beach Clip Art, PNG, 1024x768px, Cartoon, Animation, Beach, Calm,  Cloud Download Free







 Please use these links to support your child's learning at home...

Hit the Button - Maths facts

I Did Some Hit The Button!


Stick and Split - Number Facts

Spelling and Phonics activities

Phonics Play


Spelling Play  



X-Tables are extremely important in all aspects of maths learning and understanding. The children are encouraged to play TT-Rockstars regularly and we ask that you support this by giving them opportunities to practise at home. 


Gallery of Learning:

Below is a our Year 2 Gallery...


Our fabulous Year 2 children were inspired their learning in class. Take a look at all their amazing Neil Armstrong Moon Landing projects.