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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Transition to your new class - September 2020

We are all really looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school next year.  

We all know that things will still be different to how we are used to them being, on this page you'll be able to find out a bit more.   

Watch this video to find out who your Teaching Team will be next year.

Scroll down for a list of the Teaching Teams and other staff teams across the school from September.


...and for our Year 6's don't forget your next school's transition pages.  We're looking forward to your special Playground Street Party event on 20th July - we will create your special Beacon Leavers 2020 page after that event!

Who will be in which teaching team in 2020 - 2021?

Reception will be Miss Wylie, Miss Brunwin and Mrs Bartlett.

You know Miss Wylie as Mrs Nelmes.

You know who Miss Brunwin is too, it's Mrs Crane.

Year 1 will be Miss James and Mr Wright.  Miss James is joining our team in September.

Year 2 will be Mrs Pow and Mrs Hambly.

Year 3 will be Mr Sanders and Miss Garrett.

Year 4 will be Mrs Lynn and Miss Pavey.

Year 5 will be Mr Chalkley and Mrs Hughes

Year 6 will be Mr Johnson, Miss Fisher, Miss Green and Miss Coleman.  Miss Fisher is joining our team in September.

Miss Butcher will still be teaching all sorts of lesson across the school.

Mrs Lawson will still be teaching music.

Mr Capell will be joining The Beacon staff team too, he will be teaching small groups and whole classes.

Mrs Kumar will still be here, she will be working with children from different classes too.

Mrs Billington will still be your headteacher too!

Our Admin Team in 2020 - 2021 

Mrs Neill,  Mrs Blackmore, Mrs Whitefield are our Admin Team.

Mrs Kitson will continue working with Mrs Kumar as our SEND, EAL and Early Help Administrator.

Our Lunchtime Team in 2020 - 2021

Mrs Raw, Mrs Hewett, Mrs Owens, Miss Green, Miss Pavey, Mrs Davis, Mr Wright, Mrs Hughes, Miss Coleman are all still going to be there for you on the playground.  Miss Fisher will be joining them.

Mrs Reed and Mrs Kanamaru-Evans, Miss Gliddon and Mrs Harcus will still be serving your dinners.

In September and October, there will be chances to meet with your teaching team from last year.  They want to know how you are and will help you to get to know and settle in with your new teaching team.

Our Breakfast and 3.30 Club team in 2020 - 2021

Mr Wright, Miss Pavey, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Reed will all still be there with you.

Our Caretaker and Cleaning team in 2020 - 2021

Mr Hughes is our caretaker.

Mrs Harcus and Mrs Thompson are our cleaning team