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The Beacon C of E (VA) Primary School

'Living life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


1 Beacon Place, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 2SR

01395 264300


Collective Worship week of 2nd June

This week we will be thinking about Pentecost, which was celebrated on Sunday 31st May this year.

Prayer for Pentecost 

God the Father, watch over us (arch arms over head)

God the Son walk with us (stretch arms out to either side)

God the Spirit work through us (cross arms over chest)

So that your kingdom will come and your will be done. (gesture out to the world)


Tuesday 2nd June

Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on the Sunday 50 days after Easter (the name comes from the Greek pentekoste, "fiftieth").

It is also called Whitsun, but does not necessarily coincide with the Whitsun Bank Holiday in the UK.

Pentecost is regarded as the birthday of the Christian church, and the start of the church's mission to the world.

Pentecost is a happy festival. Ministers in church often wear robes with red in the design as a symbol of the flames in which the Holy Spirit came to earth.

 Special Symbols we associate with Pentecost are the symbols of the Holy Spirit, which include flames, wind, the breath of God and a dove.

 The first Pentecost happened 50 days after Easter, the disciplease were celebrating the Jewish festival of Shavout when the Holy Spirit came.  It sounded like a very strong wind and looked like tongues of fire settling on them.

Other people who saw what happened thought they must be drunk, but the disciples went to meet the people and started telling them about Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.  The people found that the disciples were talking in their own languages.

You can read about Pentecost in the Bible, it’s found in the book of Acts, chapter 2.

Wednesday 3rd June

Today, I’m going to invite you to design a symbol for the Holy Spirit.  To help us understand what Christians believe it’s like to know God through his Holy Spirit, think about this example.  You will need two balloons (or to think about them if you haven’t got any!).

 Jerusalem was full of visitors, it was the day of Pentecost and the disciples were gathered together in one room.  Everyone outside was chatting and laughing.  Lots of languages were being spoken because the visitors had come from many different places, but the friends of Jesus felt very flat and empty (like your limp balloon).  Jesus had gone and now all they could do was wait. (Begin to blow up one of your balloons.)

Suddenly, it seemed from nowhere at all, the whole room began to shake. A mighty wind came rushing from every window.  Flames of fire seemed to dance about and finally settle above the head of every disciple. They felt alive, full of God’s love!  Immediately they began to speak in other languages. Words and phrased that they had never learned, but which the Holy Spirit poured in to their hearts and minds, came tumbling out of their mouths. They ran from the room into the streets. The crowds were astonished! These ordinary men were speaking to them in their own languages.  How could they speak about the wonderful works of God in a foreign tongue that they’d never learned?  This was the most extraordinary thing that they had ever seen. It was a miracle!

(Keep blowing up your balloon, what does it look and feel like? How is it different, now it has got air inside?)

The word that was first used to describe the Holy Spirit was ruach, which means wind, or breath.

After the disciples had been filled with the Holy Spirit they were no longer frightened or worried.  They didn’t want to huddle together away from everyone else.  The friends of Jesus were full of excitement and courage. They couldn’t wait to get out on to the streets and tell people about God’s love and about Jesus, their Saviour.

God had sent them a friend, a comforter, a counsellor.  The disciples knew that they would never feel alone and afraid again.  They were ready for whatever God had in store!

Now have a look at the difference between a balloon with no air inside, and one that’s been inflated.    To be the thing it’s meant to be, big, bold and colourful, a balloon must have all the air inside it.  Without being full of air, it’s limp and useless.

There are times in our lives when we feel we have no confidence, the jobs we need to do feel too bug for us to attempt.  Perhaps we feel just like the disciples did.

At these times, we can talk with God, pray, and ask for God’s Holy Spirit to fill our lives with his love, give us courage, inner strength and renewed confidence.

Maybe you can design a symbol to help you remember what its like to have the Holy Spirit to help us feel ‘full of life’.

Thursday 4th June

In today’s Collective Worship, I’d like to share a painting about Pentecost – and you can have a go at creating your own.  Click here for the link and to find out how you can create your own Pentecost art work.  If you do create one, send it in to us via the admin email address, or your class email.

Friday 5th June

Today I’d like your help.  On Fridays, we always used to get together at Holy Trinity Church and invite our families to join us.  On June 17th, our new Rector, Rev’d Steve Jones, will be welcomed to his new job at Holy Trinity – this is a special event called a Licencing.  Sadly, because of the lockdown, Rev’d Steve’s licencing will be done online.  But – we would still like to help make him feel very welcome as he joins our Church family.

I would like to invite everyone in our community to send a message to welcome Rev’d Steve, or write a prayer for him.  Please send these to with ‘Rev’d Steve’ in the subject box.

You could tell Rev’d Steve what you think he will enjoy about The Beacon, or what you’d like him to join in with at school.  You could write a prayer asking God to give him the confidence and strength to lead our church community.  You could draw a picture, or send a photo – it’s completely up to you!